Priyanka Chopra and Madhur Bhandarkar recently met each other at the actress’ residence in Los Angeles, where they had a ‘fascinating discussion.’ Priyanka starred as the lead in the director’s 2008 movie Fashion. The film was highly acclaimed by the audience, with the actress receiving huge praise for her performance. Seeing the latest picture of the duo, fans expressed their hope for Fashion 2.
Today, August 21, 2024, Madhur Bhandarkar took to Instagram and shared a picture with Priyanka Chopra. They were seen sporting big smiles as they posed for the photograph.
In the caption, the filmmaker wrote, “It was a delight to meet & engage in a fascinating discussion with the talented @priyankachopra at her exquisite residence in #LosAngeles. Photo shot by @iamhappyaujla. #priyankachopra #MadhurBhandarkar.”
Have a look at the post!
Fans got extremely excited to see the actor-director duo together and expressed their wishes for a sequel to Fashion. In the comments section, one person requested, “Please Once again, Audience need that kind of movie again,” while another said, “We need fashion movie with Priyanka Chopra.”
A user asked, “Is. Fashion 2. Happeningg,” and another questioned, “Fashion2??????” One netizen mentioned, “Priyanka has to be on the new fashion movie,” while a comment read, “Hope a film comes out of this meeting soon @imbhandarkar.”
Fashion is a drama film directed by Madhur Bhandarkar that takes the audience behind the scenes of the Indian fashion industry. Priyanka Chopra portrays the character of Meghna Mathur, a small-town girl who dreams of becoming a supermodel. PC even won the Best Actress National Film Award for her performance in the movie.
In a recent interview with Bollywood Hungama, Madhur Bhandarkar discussed his plans for a sequel. He said, “I feel Fashion has all the potential for a sequel.” Bhandarkar mentioned that even though he hadn’t made a decision yet, he had an interesting subject. He talked about how supermodels have disappeared over time and Bollywood stars have become showstoppers.
The filmmaker stated, “This is what I want to ask through Fashion 2 – where have these supermodels disappeared?”
Meanwhile, Priyanka Chopra recently concluded filming for her movie The Bluff and is now gearing up to start the second season of her spy series Citadel.
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