Designing Disability-Inclusive Health Systems

Designing Disability-Inclusive Health Systems

“Once we ensure inclusive services, those services become available for everybody.“ – Mr Wong Yoon Loong,…

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Designs for M inclusive park inspire Waco council members

Designs for $25M inclusive park inspire Waco council members

Christopher De Los Santos The Waco City Council got a clearer look Tuesday at plans for…

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How virtual reality technologies are shaping an inclusive future for architecture

How virtual reality technologies are shaping an inclusive future for architecture

Imagine stepping into your dream home before it is even built. Virtual reality (VR) technologies are…

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New resource aims to make design more inclusive

New resource aims to make design more inclusive

A new resource launched by the Champions of Change Coalition is set to redefine the role…

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EDITORIAL: Listen to views of foreign residents in designing inclusive society

EDITORIAL: Listen to views of foreign residents in designing inclusive society

When envisaging a future society, we often forget to take into account the views of foreign…

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Designing inclusive programmes for persons with disabilities

Designing inclusive programmes for persons with disabilities

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